Looking Ahead at How to Improve as a Hunter in 2018

Happy New Year! With a new year it seems everyone tries to get back to the gym, make more money, and quit drinking so much. How about this year we focus on what is really important? Here are a few tips for improving as a hunter during the next year.

Looking Back

With whitetail season coming to an end in a little over a week you have either successfully harvested a buck or you are currently frozen solid in a hay bale blind somewhere. Whichever it may be, consider the elements that promoted or prevented success. Personally, I worked a seasonal job in the summer and early fall in order to have most of September and November off. The amount of time I put in was the largest determinant of my success. In the upcoming year I hope to work seasonal work in Alaska during June and July to allow me to hunt September and October without having to take a break.

Looking Ahead

If you can’t spend more time in stand in 2018 there are still ways to improve. You may want to read more or spend more time scouting this year. Set a resolution to read one article a week and you will be better informed come October. You could also invest in a few more trail cams or get more trees for habitat. Personally, I plan to hunt mule deer for the first time in 2018. I intend to read 3 books and listen to as many podcasts as possible.

Trying Something New

Maybe you want to improve your setup or learn to tune your bow properly. Maybe your resolution could be to shoot your bow before the 25th of September. Here are a few of my goals for the upcoming year and some dates to keep in mind.

My 2018 Goals

Goals: 2 bull elk with a bow, one mule deer buck with a bow, 8 coyotes, limit on pheasants with Nali, plant 30 more trees for deer habitat.


March and April: Western Hunt Draw Deadline

August 1- May 31: Iowa State Forest Nursery Order Deadline

April 17: Iowa Turkey Season Begins

May-June: Plant Food Plots



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